Develop Custom Plugin for WordPress WordPress

• First and foremost, let us create general example that can be used to develop a custom plugin for WordPress, including those that can inject functionality into the WordPress admin dashboard.

├── assets/
│   ├── css/
│   │   ├── style.css
│   │   └── <slug of name of Plugin>.css
│   ├── js/
│   │   ├── script.js
│   │   └── <slug of name of Plugin>.js
│   └── images/
│       ├── logo.png
│       └── icon.png
├── include/
│   ├── helpers.php
│   ├── functions.php
│   └── classes/
│       └── MyClass.php
├── views/
│   ├── front-end/
│   │   ├── template1.php
│   │   └── template2.php
│   └── admin/
│       ├── admin-page.php
│       └── settings-page.php
├── index.php
├── <slug-of-plugin>.php
├── ReadMe.md
└── uninstall.php

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