Install JMeter on Windows 10 Tool

» First and foremost, let us install the Java SDK on your local machine from the official Oracle page.

» Use the command java --version to check the current version on your local machine.

java --version

» Go to Google, search for Apache JMeter tool, and download it.

» Unzip the file, go to the bin folder, find ApacheJMeter.jar, and double-click it to open the JMeter testing interface.

The next step is to install a plugin called Stepping Thread Group from https://jmeter-plugins.org/wiki/SteppingThreadGroup/. After that, go to the link https://jmeter-plugins.org/?search=jpgc-casutg to proceed.

Copy the file jmeter-plugins-cmn-jmeter-0.6 and place it in the lib folder of your JMeter installation directory where you start the application. Alternatively, you can also put these files in the ext folder within the JMeter directory.

After running jmeter.bat, you should see the GUI as shown below:

» Let us assume we have a target concurrency of 10 users, a ramp-up time of 10 minutes spread across 10 steps, followed by maintaining the target concurrency for an additional 10 minutes to assess the stability of the system under sustained load.

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