Convert pfx into plain text and update in Adobe Cloud service Tool

> First and foremost, you need to export privatekey.pem from .pfx file as below:

openssl pkcs12 -in flagtick.com-full.pfx -nocerts -out privatekey.pem
Enter Import Password:
Enter PEM pass phrase:
Verifying - Enter PEM pass phrase:

Note: You will get privatekey.pem in generated folder.

> The next step, decrypt the private key without password. Hence, you can enter in AWS cloud if needed.

 openssl rsa -in privatekey.pem -out withoutpw-privatekey.pem
Enter pass phrase for privatekey.pem:
writing RSA key

Note: You will get withoutpw-privatekey.pem in generated folder.

> Conduct to export out the server cert-file.pem as below:

openssl pkcs12 -in flagtick.com-full.pfx -clcerts -nokeys -out cert-file.pem
Enter Import Password:

Note: You will get cert-file.pem in generated folder.

> Beside, you can proceed to export full .pfx file as a .pem (CA chain).

 openssl pkcs12 -in flagtick.com-full.pfx -cacerts -nokeys -chain -out ca-chain.pem
Enter Import Password:

Note: You will get ca-chain.pem in generated folder.

> Access Adobe Cloud Manager here. Here is dashboard upon you access to Adobe Cloud Manager. That cloud is quite expensive to implement. Normally, you're in big team for maintain and develop big system.

> Access Experience Manager (AEM).

- Software Distribution - contains AEM, JDK, tools that need for AEM developers. To download AEM SDK, you can open tab AEM as a Cloud Service and choose AEM SDK as below:

- Cloud Acceleration Manager - That is simplifies your AEM development to the cloud.

- Cloud Manager - Where we setup environments program as Development - FLAGTICK and Production - FLAGTICK.

- For example, Development - FLAGTICK. There are no instances running, pipeline setup or repository.

Note: You can open Repositories in top navigation menu to add new repository.

> To see SSL Certificates, let click Environments on top of navigation bar. As you can see here, Environment is lower than Program (definite by Adobe). Hence. every configurations on each Environment that is equivalent is on AEM instance (running on port 4502 or 4503) in local machine.

> So, we will use cat <file name> to get plain text from cert-file.pem and ca-chain.pem to update SSL.

You need to login to do this manipulation!