Connect SFTP Server Using Visual Studio Code and SFTP Extension Tool

• First and foremost, let us download and install Visual Studio Code on your local machine.

• Next, we will install the SFTP/FTP sync extension for Visual Studio Code through the GUI.

• Create empty directory named remoteSource and open Command Palette to type sftp config.

» sftp.json

    "name": "Flagtick Inc",
    "host": "flagtickdev.sftp.wpengine.com",
    "protocol": "sftp",
    "port": 2222,
    "secure": true,
    "username": "luisnguyen",
    "remotePath": "/",
    "password": "Abc@123456",
    "uploadOnSave": false

Here is a screenshot of a successful connection.

You need to login to do this manipulation!