Clone WordPress website using Duplicator PHP

> First and foremost, you need to determine which Wordpress website has been available and use it for clone into new one?

> Install Duplicator – WordPress Migration & Backup Plugin in Add Plugins.

> In WordPress dashboard, navigate Duplicator > Packages.

Note: Press Create New and follow step by step from Wizard form. There are three steps as Setup, Scan and Build.

> In some way, we are facing issue named "Host Build Interrupt". If you encounter the problem as below:

> The Duplicator plugin will scan your website’s files and database and check if they exceed the 500 MB threshold of the free version. You need to upgrade Duplicator from Free to Premium version.

> In other hands, if you don't want to upgrade. You can uncheck Archive scan in Duplicator > Settings

> Create folder named flagtick in htdocs folder. You can access by localhost/flagtick/installer.php.

Note: You need to create database in phpmyadmin (XAMPP) and add Database Connection before validation.

> Here what we go

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