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    Connecting your Java AWS Lambda to an RDS database and S3


    In modern cloud architectures, integrating AWS Lambda functions with other AWS services can significantly enhance the functionality and efficiency of your serverless applications. This guide will walk you through the process of connecting a Java-based AWS Lambda function to both an Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service) database and an S3 (Simple Storage Service) bucket.

    I. Initializing Java Lambda Project with SAM CLI

    SAM stands for Serverless Application Model. SAM CLI is a command-line tool that helps developers build, test, and deploy serverless applications on AWS. It provides a simplified syntax for defining serverless resources, such as Lambda functions, API Gateway endpoints, and DynamoDB tables, making them easier to manage and deploy. For setup instructions, visit the AWS SAM CLI installation guide.

    After completing the installation, verify it by opening new Command Prompt or PowerShell window and invoking `sam` from the command line.

    sam --version
    SAM CLI, version 1.120.0

    Open your terminal or command prompt and run the following command to initialize a new SAM project:

    sam init

    Here is a batch mode showing a sample interaction with the AWS SAM CLI when creating a new serverless application project:

    You can preselect a particular runtime or package type when using the `sam init` experience.
    Call `sam init --help` to learn more.
    Which template source would you like to use?
            1 - AWS Quick Start Templates
            2 - Custom Template Location
    Choice: 1
    Choose an AWS Quick Start application template
            1 - Hello World Example
            2 - Data processing
    Template: 1
    Use the most popular runtime and package type? (Python and zip) [y/N]: N
    Which runtime would you like to use?
            1 - aot.dotnet7 (provided.al2)
            10 - java11
            11 - java8.al2
    Runtime: 10
    What package type would you like to use?
            1 - Zip
            2 - Image
    Package type: 1
    Which dependency manager would you like to use?
            1 - gradle
            2 - maven
    Dependency manager: 2
    Would you like to enable X-Ray tracing on the function(s) in your application?  [y/N]: N
    Would you like to enable monitoring using CloudWatch Application Insights?
    For more info, please view [y/N]: N
    Would you like to set Structured Logging in JSON format on your Lambda functions?  [y/N]: N
    Project name [sam-app]: pdfawsserverless
    Cloning from (process may take a moment)
        Generating application:
        Name: pdfawsserverless
        Runtime: java11
        Architectures: x86_64
        Dependency Manager: maven
        Application Template: hello-world
        Output Directory: .
        Configuration file: pdfawsserverless\samconfig.toml
        Next steps can be found in the README file at pdfawsserverless\
    Commands you can use next
    [*] Create pipeline: cd pdfawsserverless && sam pipeline init --bootstrap
    [*] Validate SAM template: cd pdfawsserverless && sam validate
    [*] Test Function in the Cloud: cd pdfawsserverless && sam sync --stack-name {stack-name} --watch

    Run the following command to build your SAM application and test it locally.

    sam build
    sam local invoke

    Print the folder tree structure for the AWS Java Serverless application created above.
    │   samconfig.toml
    │   template.yaml
    │   ├───cache
    │   └───deps

    If you want to change `HelloWorldFunction` to `pdfGenerationFunction` and modify the `template.yaml` file, you will need to rename the directory and update the references in the `template.yaml` file accordingly.



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